Visualizing electronic properties (hubbard.plot)

Functionality for plotting different physical properties of the self-consistent solution for the system.

Plot spin-resolved quantities

Charge(HH[, ext_geom, spin, realspace])

Plot the total charge for the hubbard.HubbardHamiltonian object

ChargeDifference(HH[, ext_geom, realspace])

Plot the total charge compared to the neutral atom charge in each site for the HH object

SpinPolarization(HH[, ext_geom, realspace])

Plot charge difference between up and down channels \(\langle n_{\uparrow}\rangle-\langle n_{\downarrow}\rangle\)

Plot spectra

LDOS(HH, E[, sites, spin, ext_geom, ...])

Plot LDOS for an energy E with a certain distribution function for the hubbard.HubbardHamiltonian object

LDOS_from_eigenstate(HH, wavefunction[, ...])

Plot LDOS in the configuration space for the hubbard.HubbardHamiltonian object

DOSmap(HubbardHamiltonian[, k, spin, ...])

Plot DOS(distance, energy) map resolved in energy and axis-coordinates for the HubbardHamiltonian object

Spectrum(HH[, k, xmax, ymin, ymax, fontsize])

Plot the orbital charge overlaps for the hubbard.HubbardHamiltonian object

Plot wavefunctions for each spin-channel

Wavefunction(HH, wf[, ext_geom, cb_label, ...])

Plot the wavefunction with its complex phase for the hubbard.HubbardHamiltonian object

Plot geometrical functions

BondOrder(HH[, selection])

Plot the Bond order for the hubbard.HubbardHamiltonian

BondHoppings(H[, annotate, off_diagonal_only])

Plot matrix element of a tight-binding Hamiltonian in real space

Bonds(G[, annotate, R])

Plot bonds between atoms in geometry

Plot bandstructure of the system

Bandstructure(HH[, bz, ymax, projection, ...])

Plot the bandstructure for the HubbardHamiltonian object along certain path of the Brillouin Zone