
class hubbard.plot.DOSmap(HubbardHamiltonian, k=[0, 0, 0], spin=0, direction=[1, 0, 0], origin=[0, 0, 0], nx=601, gamma_x=0.5, dx=5.0, dist_x='gaussian', ne=501, gamma_e=0.05, emax=10.0, dist_e='lorentzian', vmin=0, vmax=None, scale='linear', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hubbard.plot.plot.Plot

Plot DOS(distance, energy) map resolved in energy and axis-coordinates for the HubbardHamiltonian object

  • HubbardHamiltonian (HubbardHamiltonian) – the HubbardHamiltonian from which the DOS should be computed

  • k (array_like, optional) – k-point in the Brillouin zone to sample

  • spin (int, optional) – spin index

  • direction (3-vector, optional) – vector defining the direction of the real-space projection

  • origin (3-vector, optional) – coordinate on the real-space projection axis

  • nx (int, optional) – number of grid points along real-space axis

  • gamma_x (float, optional) – Lorentzian broadening of orbitals in real space

  • dx (float, optional) – extension (in Ang) of the boundary around the system

  • dist_x ({'gaussian', 'lorentzian'}) – smearing function along the real-space axis

  • ne (int, optional) – number of grid points along the energy axis

  • gamma_e (float, optional) – Lorentzian broadening of eigenvalues along the energy axis

  • emax (float, optional) – specifies the energy range (-emax, emax) to be plotted

  • dist_e ({'lorentzian', 'lorentzian'}) – smearing function along the energy axis

  • vmin (float, optional) – colorscale minimum

  • vmax (float, optional) – colorscale maximum

  • scale ({'linear', 'log'}) – whether to use linear or logarithmic color scale


__init__(HubbardHamiltonian[, k, spin, ...])

add_colorbar(layer[, pos, size])

Add figure colorbar


Close figure


Add legend to figure.


Save figure to external file

set_title(title[, fontsize])

Set figure title

set_xlabel(label[, fontsize])

Set label for the x-axis

set_xlim(xmin, xmax)

Set maximum and minimum x-axis values

set_ylabel(label[, fontsize])

Set label for the y-axis

set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

Set maximum and minimum y-axis values

add_colorbar(layer, pos='right', size='5%')

Add figure colorbar

  • layer ( – i.e., AxesImage, ContourSet, etc. described by this colorbar

  • pos (str, optional) – position of the colorbar with respect to axes

  • size (str, optional) – size of the colorbar in %


Close figure


Add legend to figure. It takes into account possible repeated labels and show them once


Save figure to external file


fn (str) – external file name to save plot

set_title(title, fontsize=16)

Set figure title

  • title (str) – figure title

  • fontsize (int, optional) – title fontsize, defaults to 16

set_xlabel(label, fontsize=16)

Set label for the x-axis

  • label (str) – label for the x-axis

  • fontsize (int, optional) – label fontsize

set_xlim(xmin, xmax)

Set maximum and minimum x-axis values

  • xmin (float) – minimum value to show in the x-axis

  • xmax (float) – maximum value to show in the x-axis

set_ylabel(label, fontsize=16)

Set label for the y-axis

  • label (str) – label for the y-axis

  • fontsize (int, optional) – label fontsize

set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

Set maximum and minimum y-axis values

  • ymin (float) – minimum value to show in the y-axis

  • ymax (float) – maximum value to show in the y-axis